Notes on software development


How I passed AWS certification exam "Developer – Associate"

Recently I've passed my second AWS certification exam "Developer - Associate". Although my preparation in many ways was similar to the preparation for Solutions Architect, which I wrote about earlier, this time the exam touched many other AWS services more deeply.

Using AWS Lambda Layers for PHP

Until recently AWS Lambda did not support PHP, but with the advent of the runtime API and layers, now we able to implement an AWS Lambda runtime in any programming language including PHP. Each layer can contain libraries, a custom runtime, or other dependencies. You can create layers, or use layers published by AWS and other AWS customers.

There is a great practical example of creating a Custom Runtime for PHP if you want to build a PHP runtime layer by yourself. In this article, we'll use partner supported PHP layer for Lambda from stackery for a quick understanding of its use.

How I passed AWS certification exam "Solutions Architect - Associate"

Last week I have successfully passed the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 2018 and want to tell about my experience passing AWS certification exam. Amazon recommend have at least one year of hands-on experience in this field on AWS, but it's optional. Before I started preparing for the exam, I had experience with S3 and a little bit with Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB. All other experience I got during preparation.